Recent content by 3CATSAILOR

  1. 3


    Yeah, you mentioned Rt. 4. You have some fairly good enforcement effort by the LEO in Calvert. Charles Co. effort is so-so. St. Mary's, well, it speaks for itself. 235 from St. James to all the way to and including Mechanicsville are pretty bad. From Chingville Road to 4 and 235 is even worse...
  2. 3


    Updates seem to be rare for some reason. Probably because there are too many new accidents to get back to any previous accidents.
  3. 3


    True, registration fees are going way up. But, when Insurance Companies raise your rate just because of accidents in our County "from other people" are through the roof and then accidetns in our County are out of control throughout Southern Maryland, and then Insurance Companies raise it...
  4. 3

    Big MVA Fee Increase

    Governments haven't leanred anything in 200 years.
  5. 3


    Yesterday, in one day, I had two cars come head on in to me. I had to dodge each one to the shoulder both times. Several other times on the same day I saw a couple of other vehicles going off the road on to the shoulder and back. Now, it is so bad, I lost track of the daily accidents in...
  6. 3

    Over Crabbed, Over Fished and Over Hunted

    That's a good point.
  7. 3

    Over Crabbed, Over Fished and Over Hunted

    According to research from William & Mary, the osprey population in the Chesapeake Bay is declining due to a lack of menhaden. Menhaden are a key food source for ospreys, and the species prefer them because they school on the surface, making them easy to catch. However, some say that the...
  8. 3


    Sounds like revenue for RLC to me. I know they aren't here yet. But, something tells me they will be. When they come, I guess the spin will be to reduce accidents. Of course the short time is an attempt to cater to Pax and keep the traffic flowing. But, it does at the same time work in favor of...
  9. 3

    Anyone get a free SOMD News newspaper in the mail?

    And it's great to start a bonfire with.
  10. 3

    Solar Storm

    Only if they are using their GPS. lol
  11. 3

    Cell Service

    They will blame it on solar activity.
  12. 3

    Solar Storm

    NOAA Issues First Watch Since 2005: “Severe Geomagnetic Storm” To Impact Earth Starting Today NOAA space weather forecasters have observed at least seven CMEs from the sun. It should arrive arouind mid day today and last through Sunday. It's a pretty safe bet there will be more thereafter...
  13. 3


    I noticed some of the lights were pretty quick going from yellow to red. However, I haven't noticed it lately. Perhaps SHA corrected it.
  14. 3

    There goes reflectors !

    Well, I guess it was a matter of time. Some reflectors along 235 started to go missing. And then more were gone. Now I noticed SHA filled in where they once were with black pavement. Of course the idea of the reflectors was intended to improve "safety". But, based on the masive amount of...