Greta Thunberg Doom Goblin! - Trying to Stay Relevant


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She is representative of thousands just as ignorant of the real world as she is.
A spoiled child that has everything and never earned any of it.
She is living off what her parents and her celebrity has gotten her. She has never had a job, never worked, never had to look at anything and say can I afford it.
Is also well under educated as her User parents pulled her out of school.


PREMO Member

Greta Thunberg Takes the Mask Off Fully, as She Chants to 'Crush Zionism' at Disturbing Rally

First, she was embroiled in an antisemitism scandal over having an octopus -- an antisemitic trope -- on her shoulder, while she held a sign urging people to "Stand with Gaza." She claimed that she hadn't intended it that way, and that it was something to help with her autism.

Then as she was speaking at a climate event in Amsterdam, she tried to make it an anti-Israel event, wearing a keffiyeh and asking two activists up onstage. A man who thought he was there for a climate demonstration tried to intervene and bring people back to the subject, and he was dragged off the stage. "No climate justice on occupied land," Greta continued to chant, unconcerned about how the man had been treated.

Thunberg also marched through the streets of Amsterdam with a crowd, chanting the radical leftist chant, "A-anti-anti capitalist," next to a black and red flag. Black stands for anarchy, and red is for communism. It's a flag that has been carried by Occupy and Antifa folks.

Now, if that wasn't clear enough, she was recently caught chanting, "Crush Zionism," while participating in an anti-Israel rally outside the Israeli embassy in Stockholm.



Well-Known Member
Sure be glad when her 10 minutes expire.
Problem is she is young, and the media loves her just as they love that Hogg ass hole that was lucky enough to skip school on the day of the shooting. Both would be merely small voices in a sea of sht if the media did not seek them out.


Just sneakin' around....
I thought she was dying of cancer, so did a quick search. Not much on it except she's is apparently battling neuroblasotma, has OCD and Aspbergers for which she was hospitalized and "selective mutism". Apparently not so selective....


Well-Known Member
I thought she was dying of cancer, so did a quick search. Not much on it except she's is apparently battling neuroblasotma, has OCD and Aspbergers for which she was hospitalized and "selective mutism". Apparently not so selective....
Obviously when one is pimped by her parents for financial gain and notoriety devastating results can occur.


Well-Known Member
Every time I see her I think "I'd like to hit that!"
You know that's what Hillary says.:yay:

Exactly her type.
Over It Smh GIF
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‘Miserable little doom goblin’ Greta Thunberg ditches climate activism for Palestine protests​



Well-Known Member
Put a T-shirt on her with a Star of David embroidered on the back and send her into Gaza alone
If she comes out alive and not raped maybe then she could protest for Palestine.