2024 Elections - Republicans


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Vivek Slams RNC for Picking NBC as Debate Moderators, Calls for McDaniel’s Resignation: ‘Party of Losers’

In his opening statement, Vivek took direct aim at the RNC for permitting NBC News, which pushed disinformation about the “laptop from hell,” to protect President Joe Biden in 2020.

“I am upset about what happened last night,” he said about Tuesday’s poor election results for Republicans. “We become a party of losers. At the end of the day there is a cancer in the Republican establishment.”

“Since Ronna McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017, we have lost in 2018, 2020, 2022. No red wave ever came. We got trounced last night in 2023. And I think that we have to have accountability in our party,” he said.

Vivek then called on McDaniel to resign.

“For that matter. Ronna, if you want to come on stage tonight you want to look the GOP voters in the eye and tell them you resign,” he said. “I will turn over my, yield my time to you and frankly look the people that are cheering for losing in the Republican Party.”


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'You're just a scum': Nikki Haley tears into vindictive Vivek after he said her daughter has a TikTok account and called Zelensky a 'Nazi' - as the crowd BOOS and his rivals fume

Nikki Haley called Vivek Ramaswamy 'scum' after he attacked her 25-year-old daughter for having a TikTok account while she was sitting in the audience of the third Republican presidential debate on Wednesday.

Ramaswamy went after the former South Carolina governor throughout the tense showdown in Miami between the candidates trying to close the gap with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

But Haley erupted when Ramaswamy delivered a low blow by targeting her family after he called Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky a 'Nazi' in 'cargo pants'.


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NEOCONS WALK BACK Ukraine War Funding After Vivek Says Quiet Part Out Loud About At GOP Debate!​



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It's being reported that Ron and Nikki raked in big bucks from establishment donors after the debate. "Dick Cheney in 3in heels" made them open their wallets.


PREMO Member
Ronna McDaniel is the CEO of the Republican Party. The GOP is a failed political party. When the CEO presides over a failing organization, it’s time to fire the CEO.

The Republican Party is a joke. The GOP is weak, feckless, pathetic, cowardly, scared of its own shadow, not to mention bribed, bought and paid for. Almost the entire GOP leadership is either morons, scared of being cancelled, or in bed with the enemy- paid to lose elections.

That starts at the top with Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican Party- otherwise known as “Romney 2.0.” That’s her Uncle by the way- Mitt Romney, the loser.

You know Mitt: The US Senator who hates Trump far more than any Democrat destroying this country. The guy who never misses an opportunity to denigrate the GOP, but never says a bad word about open borders, or the radical communist takeover of the USA.

That brings me back to Ronna McDaniel.

64% winners? Ronna would sell her soul for that winning percentage. Unfortunately, Ronna loses 64% of the time. Then she makes excuses why it wasn’t her fault. Time, after time, after time.

Ronna’s like the Captain of the Titanic. She’s like the lieutenant in Vietnam who every soldier wants to frag. She has demoralized virtually the entire GOP base. I’m no expert psychologist, but if your entire 70 million strong voter base hates their own leadership, I think it’s time to fire the CEO.

You know what they call people who accept losing? Losers.

I’m no “Johnny-Come-Lately.” I’ve warned for years Ronna McDaniel is a loser. She is poison. She is destroying the GOP. She is either the dumbest, most clueless, incompetent, political operative in history, or she’s collected a $100 million bribe from George Soros to make sure the GOP loses again and again. This is just my opinion. I believe someone is getting filthy rich while the GOP keeps losing.

What exactly does Ronna McDaniel do? I don’t know, but whatever it is…fire her…and stop doing it.

Hey GOP, do you need a “model?” Both Texas A&M and Mississippi State showed you how to do it. Why should the GOP think differently? If someone loses, you say goodbye, and start with someone fresh. Someone with a plan. Someone who hates losing. Start aiming for excellence, not mediocrity.

Stop accepting losing.

No one re-signs a loser for more losing. The RNC committeemen who voted to re-elect Ronna must all be on the payroll of China. Fire them all. Then check their offshore bank accounts. Something smells rotten in Washington DC.

If you don’t get rid of Ronna McDaniel, say goodbye to the GOP. She will preside over its final death in 2024. Once a loser, always a loser. Ronna’s not turning this around. We need new blood. That’s why we fired Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker. Mike Johnson is a big upgrade. Now we need to upgrade Ronna McDaniel.

And please…no one who is related to Mitt Romney.

The base wants MAGA. They want a “take-no-prisoners” attitude. They want courage. They want aggressive attack. No more playing defense. They want to WIN!

Give your best customers what they want. Give them a coach who plays on “offense” 24/7. Who has balls. Who doesn’t make excuses. Who doesn’t settle.

That will motivate your base, excite them, energize them. That leads to winning. And winning leads to us saving America.



PREMO Member

The GOP Is A Fake Opposition Party With No Vision For The Country

When Louisiana’s Mike Johnson was pulled from obscurity and elected House speaker last month, many conservatives were cautiously optimistic that the man with the self-professed biblical “worldview” and somewhat solid voting record would be the fighter they’ve needed to halt Democrats’ Marxist takeover of society. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to discover that Johnson is just as weak-kneed as his Republican predecessors.

On Tuesday afternoon, Johnson and House Republicans are set to surrender to Democrats yet again on a major government spending fight. Rather than stand strong and fight for conservative priorities, Johnson is proposing a continuing resolution, or CR, to keep the federal government funded through the beginning of next year. Unsurprisingly, the proposal does nothing to address key issues plaguing the nation, such as the Biden-manufactured crisis at the U.S. southern border, and maintains already-high spending levels.

With members of the House Freedom Caucus expected to vote against the measure, Johnson will need the help of House Democrats to send the package to the Senate. Given leading House Democrats’ positive remarks about the bill, the GOP speaker is likely to get it.


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Joe Rogan DECLARES Trump & Tucker At UFC Right Wing Avengers As Kathy Griffin RAGES Over Influence!​



PREMO Member

Judge Gives Trump Campaign a Victory

U.S. District Court Chief Judge John J. McConnell Jr. on Monday threw out a lawsuit from long-shot Republican Trump challenger John Anthony Castro, according to The Providence Journal. The judge, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, found that Castro had not demonstrated that he is "actually competing with Trump for votes and contributions."

Castro's suit and others like it allege that Trump is ineligible to be a candidate in the next presidential election due to his role in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and a clause in the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment that prohibits any person who "engaged in insurrection or rebellion" after taking an oath of office from running for office again.

Monday's decision follows several other failed legal challenges that were attempting to remove the former president as a 2024 candidate. Similar efforts have been launched and shot down in New Hampshire, Colorado, Florida, Michigan and Minnesota.

In response to a request for comment, Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung emailed Newsweek a statement touting the former president's "undefeated" status against the challenges, which Cheung called efforts "to interfere with the presidential election and help the failing campaign of Crooked Joe Biden."


PREMO Member

Ramaswamy Goes After Haley Over Free Speech Online: She Wants ‘Government Issued ID Tied’ To Online Speech

“Now you have Reid Hoffman, the person who’s effectively George Soros, Jr., funding lawsuits across this country against Donald Trump to keep them off the ballot, funding left-wing causes — we discovered this week that he is one of Nikki Haley’s largest supporters,” Ramaswamy said. “Larry Fink, the king of the woke industrial complex, the ESG movement, the CEO of Blackrock, the most powerful company in the world, now supporting Nikki Haley.”

Ramaswamy said that Haley’s assertion that meeting with those donors does not impact her is false and pointed to remarks that she made last month about anonymous social media accounts.

“It’s after that meeting later that day, that she says that every American needs to be doxxed by having their ID, their government issued ID tied to what they say on the internet,” Ramaswamy said.

Christie Explodes At Ramaswamy: ‘Most Obnoxious Blowhard In America,’ Has ‘Smart A** Mouth’

Christie harshly criticized Ramaswamy’s remarks and his own plan for how to deal with Russia in Ukraine.

When Ramaswamy pushed back, Christie fired: “You do this at every debate!”

“You say — no, don’t interrupt me! I didn’t interrupt you!” Christie yelled. “You do this at every debate. You go out on the stump and you say something, all of us see it on video, we confront you on the debate stage, you say you didn’t say it, and then you back away.”

“This is the fourth debate that you would be voted in the first 20 minutes as the most obnoxious blowhard in America,” Christie said. “So shut up for a little while!”


PREMO Member

Nikki Haley Rips College Presidents Over Anti-Semitism: ‘It Was Disgusting To See What Happened’

“How do you think these schools and the rest of society should balance the imperative of free speech against the need to prevent radical activists from harassing and intimidating others?” Johnson asked.

“It was disgusting to see what happened,” Haley responded. “You know, if this had been the KKK that was doing protests on those campuses, every one of those college presidents would have been up in arms. This is just as bad. The idea that they would go and allow that kind of pro Hamas protest, or agree with the genocide of Jews, and try and say that they needed context on that — there is no context to that. This is what we need to do to deal with it. First of all, we have got to get foreign money out of our universities. You’ve got Arab money, you’ve got Chinese money, you’ve got others; we need to go to every university and say, you either take foreign money or you take American money, but the days of taking both are over.”

“The second thing we need to do is we need — Biden made a mistake not including anti-Zionism in the definition of anti-Semitism,” she continued. “If you don’t think that Israel has a right to exist, that is anti-Semitic, we will change the definition so that every government, every school has to acknowledge the definition for what it is.”

DeSantis Rips Christie Over Trans Procedures For Minors: ‘You Do Not Have The Right To Abuse Your Kids!’

“When you were governor in 2017, you signed a law that required new guidelines for schools dealing with transgender students,” she said. “Those guidelines required schools to accept a child’s preferred gender identity, even if the minor’s parents objected. And it said that there is no duty for schools to notify parents if their son or daughter changes their gender identity, allowing the serious issue to remain a secret between the school and the child.”

“How is any of that pro-parental?” she asked.

“That’s simply not true,” Christie claimed. “That law was put into effect in 2018 and regulated in 2018 before I, after I was out of office. We did not issue those guidelines. And you’re wrong about that, simply wrong.”

“I stood up every single time for parents to be able to make the decisions for their minor children, every single time parents should make those decisions,” he continued. “And by the way, you know what, every once in a while, parents are going to make decisions that we disagree with. But the minute you start to take those rights away from parents, you don’t know that slippery slope, what rights are going to be taken away next.”

DeSantis pushed back, “You do not have, as a parent, you do not have the right to abuse your kids.”


PREMO Member

Ronna McDaniel decides she's done doing her job until Trump's coronation

Voters have another six weeks before the Iowa caucuses start the Republican primary season, and despite the national polling dominance of former President Donald Trump, two major candidates are heading into the holidays with momentum. While Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) has languished in the polls, he has secured the potential game-changing endorsements of Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA) and evangelical kingmaker Bob Vander Plaats. Meanwhile, Nikki Haley has soared to second place in New Hampshire and South Carolina while nipping at the Florida governor's heels in the Hawkeye State. Objective observers can admit that although Trump remains the favorite, the primary isn't over until at least the first three states sing.

But, of course, the Republican National Committee is no objective observer. Under the tutelage of Trump's hired hand, Ronna Romney McDaniel, the RNC has decided it no longer has to hide the ball. The party, keen to reinforce its own irrelevance, has decided that Wednesday's fourth debate will be the final one organized by the RNC.

"We have held four successful debates across the country with the most conservative partners in the history of a Republican primary. We have no RNC debates scheduled in January and any debates currently scheduled are not affiliated with the RNC," the RNC said in a statement. "It is now time for Republican primary voters to decide who will be our next President and candidates are free to use any forum or format to communicate to voters as they see fit."


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Judge KICKS Chris Christie OFF Of State GOP Primary Ballot Because NOBODY Supports Him!​



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Liberal Media Reporters GO SILENT After Vivek Ramaswamy CONFRONTS THEM FOR LIES And EXPOSES TRUTH!​



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Trump Hammers ‘Globalist RINO’ Haley on Iowa Caucus Day, Says She Doesn’t Have MAGA Support ‘and Never Will’

“Nikki is a Globalist RINO, backed by American’s for Chinese Growth, the Charles Koch con job,” Trump wrote. “It’s not going to happen for her, or DeSanctimonious! Vivek Votes are wasted, should come to ‘TRUMP.’ MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

Much of Haley’s support appears to be from Democrats.

A poll conducted ahead of the Iowa caucuses by NBC News, the Des Moines Register, and Iowa pollster Selzer & Co. found that Haley supporters in Iowa are twice as likely to vote for Joe Biden as they are Donald Trump, should she not win the Republican nomination.

The pollsters asked likely Iowa caucus-goers, “If Donald Trump is the Republican nominee in the general election in November, would you vote for him, vote for Joe Biden, vote for independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., or vote for some other third-party candidate?”

Across the board, just 11 percent of Republican caucus-goes said they would flip and vote for Biden if Trump is the nominee. When looking only at Haley supporters, that number jumped to a whopping 43 percent.

Just 23 percent of Haley’s supporters said they would vote for Trump over Biden.


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PREMO Member
As someone that didn't vote for Trump in 2016, I have to agree with this.

The thought that surburban women Independents could throw the election to Biden because of Trump's mean tweets drives me nuts.


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Funny how nobody is talking about the Nevada primary on Feb 6th. Everything is South Carolina.

I think we need a "National Primary Day".


PREMO Member
Funny how nobody is talking about the Nevada primary on Feb 6th. Everything is South Carolina.

I think we need a "National Primary Day".
It'll never happen.

There's a lot of money to be made by media milking this goat for eight long months.


Well-Known Member
It'll never happen.

There's a lot of money to be made by media milking this goat for eight long months.
The primary states like New Hampshire love all of that political money being dumped on the first primary.


PREMO Member
There's a lot of money to be made by media milking this goat for eight long months.

I do not think the Media is driving this .... but yes they certain profit from a drawn out process with the ' hype ' over every caucus night

BOTH Parties draw this out as a way to gin up support for their guy ... build up a fake momentum to draw more money from the whales aka donors

IMHO a one day Every State has their caucus / primary one month before the conventions