Election 2024 Issues


PREMO Member

Major Delays in Mail Delivery Have People Worried It Could Impact 2024 Election

Here in the Susitna Valley, when it's time to vote, we proceed on Election Day to our local community center, where we present our IDs, get checked off the voting roll, sign in, and then fill out a paper ballot. Those paper ballots are placed in a box and counted by humans. Now, granted, that system works well here, where our little rural community can expect fewer than 2,000 voters most years.

Many states and municipalities across the land have, however, resorted to mail-in ballots. It's easy to imagine many ways in which this system is fraught, but now a major overhaul of the U.S. Postal Service - the timing of which is surely coincidental - is threatening to delay the delivery of mail-in ballots in the November election.

Across the country, residents and businesses have been reporting widespread slowdowns in mail and package delivery by the U.S. Postal Service. The delays have become so persistent that members of Congress have gotten involved, urging the Postal Service to drastically correct course and raising concern about what impact the disruptions could have on mail-in ballots in the upcoming election.
The delays appear to largely stem from a new system the Postal Service began rolling out last fall that will eventually funnel all the nation’s letters and packages through a consolidated network of 60 regional distribution centers — similar to the airlines’ hub-and-spoke model. The change is part of a wider $40 billion, 10-year overhaul of the network that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has said will reduce costs, improve reliability and make the Postal Service more competitive.


PREMO Member


In the Wall Street Journal, Holman Jenkins reviews the dishonorable role that the intelligence community played in the 2016 and 2020 elections, and predicts more of the same. In 2016:

A Democratic presidential campaign, representing the incumbent party, fabricated evidence that its Republican opponent and the eventual president-elect was a Russian agent, and the in-power party’s FBI legitimated the evidence in the eyes of the media so it would be widely reported and believed by the public.
To make sure it was believed, top intelligence officials of the outgoing administration went on cable television to call the new president a Russian mole and Vladimir Putin his case officer.

That sums it up nicely. In 2020:

When the formerly incumbent party’s candidate was seeking to reclaim the White House four years later, the same former officials concocted a new lie to cover up embarrassing information about the candidate’s family. These highly connected former officials had five days to check things out before claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop had “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” … Specific, dated and verifiable events and messages weren’t denied by the Bidens, etc.
Obama intelligence officials James Clapper and John Brennan, and their 49 colleagues, lie today when they say they weren’t lying then.

And yet, there has been no accountability:

These realties have been acknowledged on these pages, in a few other papers around the country, on Fox News and at some partisan websites. They might as well never have happened as far as most of the press is concerned.
Democratic and anti-Trump Republican political spinmeisters, from David Axelrod to Mike Murphy to Bill Kristol, spend a hours a week on TV and in podcasts holding forth on politics, talking endlessly about Donald Trump, yet leave the collusion episodes unanalyzed as if they never occurred.

Well, of course. The “mainstream” press was an active and knowing collaborator in the disinformation campaigns of both 2016 and 2020. Why would they blow the whistle on themselves?

The real motive for the press silence is fear and shame over acts that are close to treasonous.


PREMO Member

To beat Trump, we need to know why Americans keep voting for him. Psychologists may have the answer


Ever since Ronald Reagan came to power, on a platform that ensured society became sharply divided into “winners” and “losers”, and ever more people, lacking public provision, were allowed to fall through the cracks, US politics has become fertile soil for extrinsic values. As Democratic presidents, following Reagan, embraced most of the principles of neoliberalism, the ratchet was scarcely reversed. The appeal to extrinsic values by the Democrats, Labour and other once-progressive parties is always self-defeating. Research shows that the further towards the extrinsic end of the spectrum people travel, the more likely they are to vote for a rightwing party.

But the shift goes deeper than politics. For well over a century, the US, more than most nations, has worshipped extrinsic values: the American dream is a dream of acquiring wealth, spending it conspicuously and escaping the constraints of other people’s needs and demands. It is accompanied, in politics and in popular culture, by toxic myths about failure and success: wealth is the goal, regardless of how it is acquired. The ubiquity of advertising, the commercialisation of society and the rise of consumerism, alongside the media’s obsession with fame and fashion, reinforce this story. The marketing of insecurity, especially about physical appearance, and the manufacture of unfulfilled wants, dig holes in our psyches that we might try to fill with money, fame or power. For decades, the dominant cultural themes in the US – and in many other nations – have functioned as an almost perfect incubator of extrinsic values.

A classic sign of this shift is the individuation of blame. On both sides of the Atlantic, it now takes extreme forms. Under the criminal justice bill now passing through parliament, people caught rough sleeping can be imprisoned or fined up to £2,500 if they are deemed to constitute a “nuisance” or cause “damage”. According to article 61 of the bill, “damage” includes smelling bad. It’s hard to know where to begin with this. If someone had £2,500 to spare, they wouldn’t be on the streets. The government is proposing to provide prison cells for rough sleepers, but not homes. Perhaps most importantly, people are being blamed and criminalised for their own destitution, which in many cases will have been caused by government policy.


PREMO Member

Whooi's if fu cking delusional

Because of WAR and Crusades Abortion is Justifiable

And Holstien - we have guns ...

Trump GOES SCORTHED EARTH On Lindsey Graham As Democrats MELTDOWN Over His Latest Announcement!​



PREMO Member

The Most Important Election in American History?

We’ve had some important presidential elections in American history, of course. The election of 1800 decelerated the Federalists’ attempt to expand the federal government. 1828 led to increased democracy. James K. Polk’s election in 1844 allowed for the entrance of Texas into the United States. 1860 was perhaps the most important election we’ve ever had because it preceded our tragic internecine war. And there have been other important elections as well. 1912, 1932, 1960, 1980 come to mind.

But this year might be the most important election in our nation’s history. The ideological division in America is the greatest it has ever been—even during the pre-War Between the States era. And the contrast between the two candidates (regardless of whom the Democrats finally nominate) could not be more dramatic: one a decided pro-American patriot, the other an unequivocal Leftist totalitarian heading a party that gives every indication it hates everything traditional America stands for and wants to continue to take the country down a determined leftward, morally decadent path. 2024 will decide which course the country will follow.

Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years and was surprised at the country he woke up in. Patriotic, God-fearing Americans have slept for about 60 years, but are beginning to awaken. And they are utterly appalled at the nation they have woken up in.


Well-Known Member
If your daughter is raped and goes to the authorities they will do a rape examination at a hospital and I believe they will give you the Morning after day after pill especially if it is requested.

Now of course if you go to a department store dressing room and claim you have sex, but don't remember when it was, you didn't scream, and you don't report it to police the same day it might be a problem.

Oh great. So you are saying just make sure you get raped and you can access birth control.

You probably blame the woman for her outfit too.


PREMO Member
Democrats PANIC As Gen Z SHIFTS MAGA, Hasan Piker LOSES Viewers As Youth DUMP Far leftist Views



PREMO Member
MSNBC STUNNED After UNDECIDED Voters DESTROY Joe Biden's Economy Amid DISASTER Inflation Report!



PREMO Member
Things have changed so dramatically that it's likely to affect how Democrats campaign. We're already seeing it happen. Last week, we learned that an influential data scientist had warned major Democratic donors in a confidential memo not to register young and black voters ahead of the 2024 election because they're likely going to vote for Donald Trump.

“Indeed, if we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the rolls, we would be distinctly aiding Trump’s quest for a personal dictatorship,” Aaron Strauss warned in the memo, citing recent polling showing Trump's strength with unregistered voters.

The Biden campaign, however, still believes that these voters will shift back as we get closer to the election. It's true that polling may not be a great way to predict whether these voters will actually come out and vote for Trump in November, but it nevertheless shows that Democrats have a real challenge as demographics that were once reliable Democrat votes are becoming less so.

"The left’s challenge with non-white voters is much deeper than it first appears," Adam Carlson, a data analyst with the Brunswick Group, explained. "A less racially divided America is an America where people vote more based on their beliefs than their identity. This is a big challenge for Dems."

Indeed it is. It looks like their formerly tried and true method of voter registration drives to increase turnout on Election Day may not be the silver bullet they have been in the past. According to a new Marquette Law School poll, the bulk of those who aren't registered to vote yet lean significantly toward Trump.



PREMO Member

Black Trump Supporter Criticizes Biden for ‘Disrupting’ Black Community

Upon being asked to share what Biden has done for the black community, Montgomery blasted Biden for trying to oppress the black community during his time as a U.S. senator and bringing disruption to the community.

“Well, he locked up a lot of people that look like me,” Montgomery explained:

And, they’re still sitting in jail waiting for justice, an appeal of some sort. So, when it comes to what Joe Biden has done for black America, if we look specifically at his record as a senator, it wasn’t something that benefited us at all. If anything, one could argue that he dedicated his entire senatorial career to disrupting the way of life for black people. He didn’t want black kids going to the same school as his kids, he didn’t want black people walking on the sidewalk along with his mother and grandmother.

Montgomery’s interview comes as a recent poll from the Wall Street Journal shows that Trump’s support among black men and women has almost doubled since the 2020 presidential election. Roughly 31 percent of black men expressed support for Trump, up from 12 percent in 2020. Meanwhile, 11 percent of black women expressed that they would vote for Trump, up from six percent in 2020.


PREMO Member


The stock market was down sharply again today, as a result of fears of resurgent inflation. Inflation is second only to senility as a threat to Joe Biden’s campaign, and the campaign is desperate to find an answer. How desperate? They plan to blame Donald Trump:

On Wednesday, after the latest inflation data showed an unexpected acceleration in price gains, Mr. Biden again tried to assure voters that he is focused on bringing down the cost of groceries, housing and other staples of everyday life, saying in a statement that “fighting inflation remains my top economic priority.”

Which is absurd, of course.

A beat later, he added a veiled shot at his Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.
“We’re better situated than we were when we took office where we — inflation was skyrocketing,” Mr. Biden said. “And we have a plan to deal with it, whereas the opposition — my opposition talks about two things. They just want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on other people.”


PREMO Member

Microsoft finds Russian influence operations targeting US election have begun

Summary by VOA News

Microsoft said on Wednesday that Russian online campaigns to influence the upcoming U.S. presidential election kicked into gear over the past 45 days, but at a slower pace than in past elections. Russia-linked accounts are disseminating divisive content aimed at U.S. audiences, including criticizing American support of Ukraine in its war with Russia, researchers at the tech giant said in a report.