Leftist Response to Hamas Attacks


Well-Known Member

Well There you have it.
Any woman take by Muslims in war are their slaves. SLAVES mind you.
IMO any woman take by them in marriage is the same thing.

We certainly do not need Men in this country who believe women can be take as slaves in a war.
We also do not need women in this country who see that as being legitimate.
The united States of America has no business accepting these people as immigrants, or as students with Visa's or for any other reason.

Do not call me Islamophobic. You listened to that woman's words.
If you believe them, and why shouldn't you , and you still welcome Muslims to this country it isn't me being Islamophobic it is you being a moron.


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‘Gangs of pro-Hamas students’ like ‘1930s Berlin Brownshirts’: James Morrow​



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Naked outrage from the left over surrendered Hamas terrorists in their underwear

By Monica Showalter

In today's 'oh spare us' news, the left is having an absolute cow over Israeli troops flushing out Hamas terrorists from their snake holes and then forcing them to strip down to their underwear to prove to that yes, they were surrendering, and no, they didn't have a gun in their pants or a shiv in their shoes, or a strap-on bomb in their pocket, or a dynamite pack in some orifice, which is a pretty standard military safety precaution.

Get a load of this from Qatar-linked al-Jazeera:

Shawan Jabarin, director of the Al-Haq human rights organisation, said he was “shocked” to see images that reminded him of the treatment of detainees and prisoners of war during World War II.
“This [is] inhuman, it amounts to torture and more than that, it’s a war crime and a crime against humanity,” he told Al Jazeera.

Inhuman? Actually, it's standard operating procedure for wartime. Nobody made Hamas start the war. They chose to do it themselves, and they chose poorly. Now they're humiliated as losers as they rightly should be, given the heinous nature of their crimes.


Some common sense here:



PREMO Member
Palestine issue just gives Progressive AntiFa Anti Religious Nutterss cover to start attacking churches like they have crisis pregnancy centers


PREMO Member

Pop Icon Taylor Swift Attended Comedy Show Raising Money for Gaza Charity

Once upon a time, Swift was neutral on politics. Whatever she believed about the issues she kept to herself behind the scenes, focusing instead on relating to her fans. This was a smart move. It allowed her to have a broad audience while also keeping her out of controversy that could negatively impact her career.

Unfortunately, after leftists started pounding her with pressure to take a stand on abortion and other issues, she started to become vocal about her progressivism, and guess what? It's thrusting her right into the lion's den of political controversy. Could a Taylor Swift boycott happen in the near future? After it was revealed that she attended a comedy show to raise money for a Gaza charity, the answer is leaning toward "yes."

Breitbart News reports, "Pop superstar Taylor Swift attended a recent standup show by comedian Ramy Youssef benefiting a prominent Gaza charity, according to multiple reports."

Swift was seen along with fellow pop singer Selena Gomez at last Friday's event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City, which also featured famous folks like Anya Taylor-Joy, Zoe Kravitz, and Cara Delevingne.

The performance was part of Youssef’s “More Feelings” tour. The comedian is reportedly donating all proceeds from Friday’s engagement in Brooklyn to the organization American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), which is providing humanitarian aid to Gaza in the wake of Hamas’ October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel.
ANERA states on its official site that it also provides aid to areas in the West Bank, Jordan, and Syria.
Taylor Swift hasn’t publicly commented on the unfolding war between Israel and Hamas, though she has found time to promote a left-wing voter registration initiative.

You can almost guarantee that pressure is mounting against her to take a public stand. It's likely only a matter of time before she comes out with the usual cookie-cutter celebrity response, which will state abject horror at the attacks by Hamas, while also slamming Israel as evil, terrible oppressors and colonialists — standard, pre-approved talking points that will guarantee she's not severed from the groupthink of progressive Hollywood.


Well-Known Member

Pop Icon Taylor Swift Attended Comedy Show Raising Money for Gaza Charity

Once upon a time, Swift was neutral on politics. Whatever she believed about the issues she kept to herself behind the scenes, focusing instead on relating to her fans. This was a smart move. It allowed her to have a broad audience while also keeping her out of controversy that could negatively impact her career.

Unfortunately, after leftists started pounding her with pressure to take a stand on abortion and other issues, she started to become vocal about her progressivism, and guess what? It's thrusting her right into the lion's den of political controversy. Could a Taylor Swift boycott happen in the near future? After it was revealed that she attended a comedy show to raise money for a Gaza charity, the answer is leaning toward "yes."

Breitbart News reports, "Pop superstar Taylor Swift attended a recent standup show by comedian Ramy Youssef benefiting a prominent Gaza charity, according to multiple reports."

Swift was seen along with fellow pop singer Selena Gomez at last Friday's event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York City, which also featured famous folks like Anya Taylor-Joy, Zoe Kravitz, and Cara Delevingne.

You can almost guarantee that pressure is mounting against her to take a public stand. It's likely only a matter of time before she comes out with the usual cookie-cutter celebrity response, which will state abject horror at the attacks by Hamas, while also slamming Israel as evil, terrible oppressors and colonialists — standard, pre-approved talking points that will guarantee she's not severed from the groupthink of progressive Hollywood.

Wonder how Travis feels about her now.


PREMO Member
Oberlin College can't go 1 year without making the news.

Oberlin College Suspends ‘Professor Of Peace’ Who Called For Israel’s Elimination After Sexual Harassment Allegations

Oberlin made the call to suspend Mahallati after decades-old allegations that he once demanded sex in exchange for good grades surfaced.

Court papers from the 1990s obtained by the Middle East Forum and given to the New York Post allege that when Mahallati was an adjunct professor at Columbia University, a graduate student 11 years younger than he accused the 43-year-old married father of giving her good grades in exchange for sex.

Mahallati allegedly invited the woman to his home, supposedly to interview her for a research assistant position, but then “made repeated sexual advances” and promised good grades for sexual favors, she claimed. The two then had sexual encounters at his office as well as at his Manhattan apartment for 15 months, she alleged.

Mahallati allegedly threatened to withhold her grade if she did not stay silent, and when she did go to Columbia’s administration, he accused her of fraudulently submitting the same paper twice, the woman claimed.

The woman, a 32-year-old Palestinian Christian, sued both Mahallati and Columbia at the time, accusing the professor of trying to damage her reputation and academic career.

Mahallati denied the claims at the time in 1997 and tried to claim diplomatic immunity even though he had not been Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations since 1989.


PREMO Member
Local Fox affiliate KTTV-11 reported:

Dozens of protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza amid the Israel-Hamas war halted traffic for close to two hours on the 110 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles Wednesday.

A group called IfNotNow Los Angeles had announced plans for a downtown protest although the organization did not indicate it intended to shut down the freeway. The group called the protest “to demand that all of our elected officials call for a lasting ceasefire and an end to U.S. support for Israel’s war on Gaza.”

SkyFOX images from the scene showed the group sitting on the freeway next to a 7-foot menorah. At one point, frustrated drivers were seen arguing and even shoving some protesters.

The Los Angeles Times persisted in calling the group “IfNotNow” Jewish, though it is not representatives of the Jewish community, which supports Israel.



PREMO Member
Many American progressives have been largely silent on Hamas' sexual violence against Israelis, while some have downplayed or dismissed the reports of sexual assault.

Briahna Joy Gray, a former national press secretary for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, tweeted earlier this month, "'Believe all women' was always an absurd overreach: woman should be heard, claims should be investigated, but evidence is required."

"The same is true of the allegations out of Israel," Gray wrote in a Dec. 4 tweet. "But also, this isn’t a ‘believe women’ scenario bc no female victims have offered testimony."

"Zionists are asking that we believe the uncorroborated eyewitness account of *men* who describe alleged rape victims in odd, fetishistic terms," Gray continued in a subsequent tweet.

"Shame on Israel for not seriously investigating claims of rape and collecting rape kits," she added.



PREMO Member

Hamas Thanks United Nations; Best Day for Terror Group Since October 7

The wealthy Haniyeh thanked the UN, as well as Secretary-General António Gutteres, who has also pushed for a ceasefire. Haniyeh also blasted efforts to remove Hamas from the Gaza Strip and claimed to be ready to talk with other Palestinian factions.

His statement is as follows (via Abu Ali Express and Google Translate):

Anyone who thinks about the Palestinian issue or a government in Gaza without Hamas and without the Palestinian resistance factions is delusional.
The aggression will end and the “resistance” will remain the defender of the rights of the Palestinian people.
We express our appreciation for the positions of the UN Secretary General.
We welcome the UN decision last night.
We are open to discussing the possibilities for organizing the Palestinian inner house.
I emphasize that we stand firm, our people are patient and fighting and we are sure that the occupation will disappear from the world.

The UN is stacked against Israel, and has been since at least the 1970s, when the Soviet Union convinced the African and Asian nations to oppose Israel. Many continue to do so, including those under the sway of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.