Middle East War Briefing


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‘Progressive Hamas’​

Gay and transgender student protestors in America would be in mortal danger in Gaza under a fascistic Hamas that has banned homosexual acts and lifestyles. Anyone protesting publicly against Hamas or its allies would be arrested and severely punished.

Women are segregated in most Hamas-run educational institutions. Under the Hamas charter, women are valued mostly as child-bearers. By design, there are almost no women in high positions in business or in government under Hamas.

‘Colonists and Settlers’​

Students scream that Israelis are “settlers” and “colonists” and sometimes yell at Jewish students to “go back to Poland.”

But the Jewish presence in present-day Israel is deeply rooted in ancient tradition. Dating back at least three millennia, the concept of “Israel” as a distinct Jewish state, situated roughly in its current location, is ingrained in history.

By contrast, the much later Arab invasions of the Byzantine-controlled Levant and their arrival in Palestine occurred about 1,800 years after the establishment of a Jewish Israel.

‘Occupied Gaza’​

Gaza was autonomous. The Israeli border is closed, but so is the Egyptian border. There have not been any Jews in Gaza for nearly two decades.
So on Oct. 7, Gaza was not occupied by Israel. It was under the control of Hamas, designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization.

After being elected to power in 2006, Hamas canceled all subsequent elections and ruled as a dictatorship. Gaza forbids Jews from entering Gaza and has driven out most Christians. Israel hosts two million Arabs, both as Israeli citizens and residents.



PREMO Member
🔥 You won’t find this anywhere in corporate media, but the most remarkable interview ran Tuesday in Chinese news outlet Xinhua. I chuckled, wryly, as I read the interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, since it is literally impossible to imagine our country’s ostensible president delivering intelligent, aware, and persuasive remarks like this without devolving into nonsense words, hair sniffing, or pugilistic threats.

I’ll quote a few points of interest, but for comprehensive readers, here is the full text of Xinhua's interview with Putin.

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Warning: the U.S. government has determined that anything Putin says is automatically disinformation and might crack your delicate brain like an egg. So only read this next segment if you want to try to understand for yourself how our geopolitical enemies like Russia, China, and the BRICS nations think.

Back in the day, Kennedy’s National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy once explained his State Department mentors bragged that "in the final analysis, the United States was the locomotive at the head of mankind, and the rest of the world was the caboose." That confident swagger tracked a pre-Reagan “City on a Hill” philosophy, a philosophy born of America’s undeniable role in shining the headlight of freedom into the darkest corners of the globe.

But over time, especially lately, the non-Western world has grown increasingly skeptical whether the American conductor is staying sober, or is throwing some kind of party up there and about to get us all killed. Here’s how Putin described Russia’s overarching concerns, cleverly invoking inherently American values of human equality and even, hilariously, diversity.

In Putin’s view, America and Europe have privileged themselves at the expense of the developing world, and now the ‘developing world’ wants out, to make their own international system, as equals:

“Earth is the cradle of humanity, our common home, and we are all equal as its inhabitants. Most people on the planet share this view. However, the countries of the so-called ‘golden billion’ do not seem to think so. US-led Western elites refuse to respect civilizational and cultural diversity and reject centuries-old traditional values. Seeking to retain their global dominance, they have usurped the right to tell other nations with whom they may or must not make friends and cooperate, and deny them their right to choose their own development models. They disregard other countries' sovereign interests. They seek to secure their well-being at the cost of other states, using neo-colonial methods.

Neither Russia nor its partners are happy with this situation. We have actively contributed to launching multilateral associations and mechanisms independent from the West, which build on the principles of equality, justice, transparency, and respect for mutual interests.”

Also cleverly, Putin isn’t calling for a completely new system. Putin just wants the United Nations to live up to its charter. He’s sick of hearing Biden’s diplomats talking about the so-called “rules-based international order,” which seems different from this United Nations project on which everybody has been laboring for decades. Putin just wants international rules that apply the same to everybody.

It’s almost like Putin was talking about a two-tiered justice system:

“The main problem we are dealing with is states whose ruling circles seek to substitute the world order based on international law with an ‘order based on certain rules,’ which they keep talking about but which no one has ever seen, no one has agreed to, and which, apparently, tend to change depending on the current political situation and interests of those who invent these rules.

We reject Western attempts to impose an order based on lies and hypocrisy, on some mythical rules of no one knows whose making. With the UN’s central coordinating role, we advocate for the primacy of international law, equal, indivisible, comprehensive and sustainable security at both the global and regional level.”

Finally, Putin reiterated that Russia has been and continues to be ready to negotiate an end to the war in Ukraine, but nobody in the West wants to negotiate with them. To the Russians, it seems like every time they turn around it’s sanctions, sanctions, and more sanctions:

“Russia stands ready for negotiations. We have never refused to negotiate. But Western elites are stubbornly working to ‘punish’ Russia, isolate and weaken it, supplying the Kiev authorities with money and arms. They have imposed almost 16,000 unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country. They are threatening to dismember our country. They are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. They are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of Nazism and to Ukraine-sponsored terrorist attacks in our territory.

We seek a comprehensive, sustainable and just settlement of this conflict through peaceful means. We are open to a dialogue on Ukraine, but such negotiations must consider the interests of all countries involved in the conflict, including ours. They must also involve a real discussion about future global stability, and provide reliable security guarantees both for Russia's opponents and, naturally, for Russia.”

While you can quibble about Putin eliding Russia’s part in the conflict, you must admit it’s maddening that no one in the West — certainly none of Biden, Blinken, or Nod — ever mentions a negotiated end to the Ukraine war. It’s almost like all the Western leaders made a secret pact never to suggest diplomacy.

The result is they look like cowards; stinking of fear, they ceaselessly worry they’re outmatched and outwitted by the Russians, and agonise that if they negotiate with Putin, he’ll somehow wind up getting the better deal. Talking won’t work! So fighting is the only option. But they’re even too scared to fight the Russians directly. So it’s the old game, ‘how about you and him fight?’

Let’s just give the Ukrainians some more missiles and let THEM fight the Russians.

Maybe things were different fifty years ago, while the third world remained largely uneducated and unconnected to the Internet, without AI chatbots, and the rest of the world lay stifled by autocratic excess and Iron Curtain censorship. The passengers didn’t know where they wanted to go back then.

But now, we can’t expect the passengers back in the caboose to just keep quiet and not ask questions. Countries like Russia and China are surpassing the United States in some ways, and they understandably want to help look over the map.

Nobody knows who made the self-evident but widely-cited point: “We don't make peace with our friends. We make peace with our enemies.” It’s past time to make peace with Russia. There must be something else the military-industrial complex could profitably do in the meantime. Feel free to offer your suggestions.



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IDF Finds Loaded Rocket Launchers in Rafah

Rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, which was nearly constant in the days following the October 7 terror attack, has largely subsided. However, in recent weeks, Hamas terrorists have fired rockets at the Keren Shalom crossing, where humanitarian aid enters Gaza near Rafah, and at the city of Sderot, near northern Gaza.

In a statement, the IDF said:

The soldiers of the 401st Brigade combat team, under the 162nd Division, continue precise operations in specific areas of eastern Rafah.
During the brigade-level operation, soldiers of Unit 414, operating under the 401st Brigade combat team, flew drones that located rocket launchers loaded and ready-to-fire long-range rockets into Israeli territory. These launchers were used by the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip to launch rockets toward Israel in recent months. The rocket launchers were destroyed by the IDF.
In another targeted raid, the soldiers located significant rocket launch infrastructure in the Rafah area and rockets ready to be launched. The launch infrastructure was used to fire rockets towards Israel in recent months and has now been destroyed.

Rockets are sometimes launched from mobile pads or tripods. Frequently, they are fired from shafts dug into the ground or even embedded inside buildings. They are aimed toward Israeli civilian centers; each launch is a war crime.


PREMO Member
Twelve days before the October 7 pogrom, Jay Solomon reported on the Semafor site that Ariane Tabatabai, chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defence for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict, was part of an “Iran Experts Initiative” created by senior Iranian foreign ministry officials to bolster Tehran’s position on global security issues, particularly its nuclear programme.

In other words, Tabatabai was an agent of influence for Iran, at the heart of the US government and with the highest level of security clearance.

Semafor and the Iranian opposition group Iran International had obtained a large cache of Iranian government correspondence and emails. These revealed that in 2021 Robert Malley, who was the point man on Iran under both the Obama and Biden administrations until he was removed in June 2023 following a still unexplained “mishandling of classified materials,” had infiltrated Tabatabai into the US State Department to assist him in his negotiations with Iran.

The day Solomon’s article appeared, 31 US Senators wrote to the Defence Secretary, Lloyd Austin, to express their concern. They wrote: “We find it unconscionable that a senior department official would continue to hold a sensitive position despite her alleged participation in an Iranian government information operation”.

They noted that in March 2021, shortly after Tabatabai was appointed senior adviser to the undersecretary of state for arms control and internationalsecurity, Iranian dissidents had reported her long history of echoing the Iranian regime’s talking points.



PREMO Member


When will Israel’s enemies realize that they have lost? They will realize this when Israel kills the leaders of Hamas, Sinwar, Def, and other leaders. They will realize this when Israel makes a loud and clear declaration that they will not rescind sovereignty on any of the land in Gaza in order to insure that no terror emanates from there ever again.

The solution to Arab terror is clear – disarm, kill, or transfer out of the Land of Israel. Then, most of all, reeducate. The wars that Arabs wage against Jews do not need to go on forever. But they will go on forever as long as the Arab textbooks, summer camps, and Mosques educate to kill Jews. This is very politically incorrect to say. But Israel must have red lines about what Arabs teach Arabs. Freedom to teach terror is the same as ecouraging terror. That freedom should never be allowed, even in Mosques. Freedom of religion needs to have limits if the religion preaches a call to arms against every other religion.

The United States and England better wake up before they realize too that their exists a fifth column in their midst that is teaching hatred of the West. They may not be digging tunnels in suburban Detroit. But they are certainly not teaching the pledge of allegiance to the United States of America in mosques in Dearborn. The masses of Venezuelan and Chinese immigrants flooding the United States do not get weepy when they see the American flag. They are a slowly growing ticking time bomb.


PREMO Member

Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi is seen in eerie photo moments before helicopter crash: Hamas-backing leader is still missing amid fears his death will spark power vacuum in Tehran

Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi was pictured moments before the helicopter crash near the border with Azerbaijan which put his ‘life at risk’.

He was seen staring out of the window of the aircraft, which was traveling in Iran's East Azerbaijan province near Jolfa, around 375 miles northwest of Tehran when it crashed.

There have been conflicting reports among Iranian state media about whether the helicopter has been found following a frantic search mission.

The president is still missing hours after the crash and there is no confirmation they are close to finding Raisi. It has led to fears that his death could spark a power vacuum in Iran.

The helicopter was one of a convoy of three and foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, Friday prayer Imam Seyyed Mohammad-Ali Al-Hashem and other high-ranking officials were also reportedly on the helicopter with the president.

Their lives are at risk following the crash over mountain terrain, an Iranian official told Reuters. All army and Iranian guard resources were utilized in the search efforts for the helicopter.


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PREMO Member
🔥 It’s getting downright dangerous to be a world leader these days. In the same week as the attempted assassination of Slovak’s pro-Russian president Robert Fico, the Associated Press ran a story early this morning headlined, “Iran's president, foreign minister and others found dead at helicopter crash site.” Controversial pro-Russian President Ebrahim Raisi was killed when his antique, 25-year-old Bell helicopter crashed in the fog, at night, on the side of a steep mountain in northwestern Iran. It took them almost 12 hours just to find the crash site.


Currently, they have no idea what caused the accident. It’s possible the pilot fell badly while moving about the cockpit. He might’ve slipped on a loose hundred-dollar bill left over from one of those Saran-wrapped pallets of cash Biden keeps sending the Iranians for some reason.

While everyone thinks the crash looks sketchy, nobody of substance is saying that or has yet accused the U.S. or Israel of taking Raisi out. Most commenters grudgingly admit it was dumb to fly around the mountains in an old helicopter in pea-soup fog. It sure looks like an accident. But the investigation continues.

President Raisi was both called a bloody butcher and a passive soft-liner. He was bloodied during his time running the country’s judicial branch, which has developed a craving for capital punishment. But articles speculating about his replacement also claim Iranian “hard-liners” thought Raisi far too soft, to the extent of a clear suggestion the hard-liners are happy he’s dead.

Ironically, despite being corporate media’s favorite example of a dystopian autocracy, under Iran’s Constitution, Iranians will now democratically vote for a replacement president within fifty days. Meanwhile, there’s no voting in Ukraine.



PREMO Member

Amal Clooney Played a Key Role in ICC Arrest Warrant for Netanyahu, Others

Amal Clooney played a key role in arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar.

If her name sounds familiar it is because she is the wife of actor George Clooney. She advised the International Criminal Court (ICC) in favor of issuing the warrants.

The fact that Israel is accused of crimes against humanity when it is fighting for its survival against the internationally recognized terror organization that massacred Israelis and others on October 7, 2023, is unbelievable. Equating Israel and Hamas is unacceptable. How would any reasonable person argue that Israel is the same as Hamas unless that person was an anti-Israel, anti-Jew antisemitic? Is that a description of Clooney's wife?

In a statement released shortly after the news broke, Khan said he was "grateful for the advice" given to him by a panel of experts, which included Clooney.
Clooney is a world-renowned human rights lawyer who has worked on a number of serious global conflicts. She has been married to actor George Clooney since 2014.
She "represented victims of ISIS in the only three trials in the world in which ISIS members have been convicted of genocide and in five other trials convicting ISIS members of war crimes and crimes against humanity," according to her special adviser profile on the ICC website.

Does that mean ISIS is bad but Hamas is not? We truly live in an upside-down world. Israel is a country that values life. Israel goes out of its way to warn civilians in Gaza when attacks are imminent. Israel helps move Gazans to safety and it moves humanitarian aid into Gaza. It is Hamas that hijacks supply trucks while Gazans go without food, water, or other supplies.

The charges against Sinwar and other Hamas leaders include "extermination, murder, taking of hostages, rape and sexual assault in detention." The charges against Netanyahu and Gallant are "causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies, deliberately targeting civilians in conflict."

Are you kidding me? Causing extermination ( a term used in Holocaust deaths) and deliberately targeting civilians is what Hamas does, not Israel. Forget the charges against Israel. Israel has to be free to conduct its war against Hamas as it sees fit. And, Israel has to be free of undue pressure from the United States.


PREMO Member
🚀 CBS ran a historic story that multiplied Biden’s political problems yesterday, headlined “ICC prosecutor applies for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas leaders.

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CLIP: International Criminal Court recommends arrest warrants for Israeli leaders (9:49).

The ICC’s special prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan,* filed applications yesterday for arrest warrants against three Hamas leaders and two Israeli leaders, including its embattled Prime Minister. The Hamas charges are obvious; the Israelis were charged with intentionally targeting civilians in Gaza just to punish them, rather than for any legitimate military purpose.

"Israel, like all States, has a right to take action to defend its population," Khan generously allowed, but the special prosecutor stressed that right to self-defense “does not absolve Israel or any State of its obligation to comply with international humanitarian law. Intentionally causing death, starvation, great suffering, and serious injury to body or health of the civilian population — are criminal."

It sounds a lot like war to me, but I’m just a commercial lawyer, not an international war crimes expert.

The ICC accidentally planted the seeds of this historic development last year when it issued a similar arrest warrant for Russian President Putin. The ICC had accused Putin of stealing Ukraine’s children, a laughable predicate that no serious commenter seems willing to defend. But, having indicted President Putin, the ICC was required to do the same for Israel’s Prime Minister. Good for the goose, etc.

Neither Israel, the U.S., nor Russia have joined the ICC or agreed to its jurisdiction. So, if the ICC does issue these arrest warrants, Netanyahu will not be able to travel to most of Europe, where he would be promptly arrested by any of the 124 ICC-member countries. Just like Putin!

In a weaselly statement yesterday — not live, in other words — President Biden sniped that the application for Netanyahu’s warrant was "outrageous." He decried the ICC’s making an equivalence between Hamas’ barbaric war crimes and Israel’s predictable military response to the October 7th attacks.

Assuming the ICC accepts A.A. Khan’s application, and issues the warrants — which seems likely — Biden is in even more of a political pickle. It’s a giant, walking, Ghostbuster of a problem, the political equivalent of the Stay-Puft Marshmellow Pickle. The Trump-deranged New Republic ran an emotional, overwrought editorial yesterday:

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The gist of the article was that Biden should stop supporting long-time US ally Israel, not because it would be the right thing to do, but just to recover the youth vote, since if Trump wins, that means ‘the end of democracy.’

But Biden is not likely to stop supporting Israel, for any number of reasons, some good, many awful. And so this crazy, over-the-top election season rumbles on.



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Genetic disorders in the Arab world

Available evidence suggests that congenital and genetic disorders are responsible for a major proportion of infant mortality, morbidity, and handicap in Arab countries.13 The population of the region is characterised by large family size, high maternal and paternal age, and a high level of inbreeding with consanguinity rates in the range of 25-60%.1 2 4 w1 Certain disorders are common throughout the Arab world, including haemoglobinopathies, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, different congenital malformations caused by recessive genes, and several metabolic disorders.1 2 Other recessive disorders cluster in certain groups and subpopulations.1 2 5 Genetic services vary in extent and coverage in different Arab countries, but mostly they remain patchy, selective, and inadequate.2 5 6

We present the magnitude of the problem and the currently available genetic services in Arab countries, together with recommendations for developing strategies for prevention. In view of the good coverage of primary healthcare systems in most Arab countries, community genetic services that include screening programmes could be strengthened by the efficient training of primary healthcare personnel.2