Off to a great start...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I was only commenting on the one point about the child and how you thought (maybe) you were a "bad influence" on her. (My words) I think you were too hard on yourself about it, that's all.

Anyhoo, as an older person in a great relationship, who wasn't "actively looking" to be in one - I will say I had a very myopic view on dating. I may not have known what I wanted, but I knew what I DID NOT want in a relationship. I was extremely selective (picky) and I was very comfortable (self-centered) about it. I really didn't care if anyone agreed with me on it, either. I would rather have been alone than be stuck with something (a relationship) I didn't like.

I didn't really consider myself a real catch at the time, either. Divorced, full-time working mom with zero family support in the area, two sons at home (1 a mid-teenager, 1 an adult with a neurological disability), my elderly and in declining health mother had just come to live with us, as there was no one else to care for her.

I was not looking to put anything else on my plate, but then... you never know. Just be true to yourself and be happy about it. Nothing wrong with knowing what you will or will no do, want or don't want. That's just a plus in my book.

That is a good example of my point: how the variables do and don't work out. In your case numerous things that might not flow out with a person who might have been great with x and y but not in conjunction with z or x and z but not so much with y.

Add and subtract variables as ones particulars require.


Active Member
Necroposting here, but I've been busy. Sorry to see this didn't work out; but not shocked. I still stand by what I've posted previously. Wrong bark, wrong tree.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Necroposting here, but I've been busy. Sorry to see this didn't work out; but not shocked. I still stand by what I've posted previously. Wrong bark, wrong tree.

You have to refresh my memory so I don't have to search it up!

No sorry needed, but sentiment appreciated. Part of the journey, a good part. :buddies:


Me and my magic wand..
I give ya'll one guess as to who this is...

For the love of all things sane, are you serious? I totally forgot about this site until a friend I told about the classifieds informed me he was on the other day reading through some things, and came back across this thread. He had mentioned that LG had provided a rather narcissistic dissertation about dates and that "I" had been mentioned via a "checklist" of traits and characteristics - but since I'm busy - never read.

Until now.

First of all, you didn't walk away from any relationship. There was no relationship. But, to be clear, I stopped responding to texts and didn't take your call. We didn't talk about conflict or deal breakers, we just stopped. And yes, I am thankful you didn't push when I didn't respond.

Where do I even begin - I read this thread from start to end and I am appalled. Most people google others newly met and I only wished I had. Let me give you some advice Larry, should the next conquest do so and peruse this site, you'll not get far. It's not so fun being on the other side of the screen and ones perceptions, is it?

Secondly, you're a grown man, albeit immature and childish in your approach to actually having an adult relationship. I get reminiscing, seeking opinion and insight when it comes to dating (because gawd knows it sucks) from friends, but it should stop there in a public forum when you use your real name. It's incredibly disrespectful to extol upon other's private life and beyond diminutive to profess knowledge of their personal or professional background, fiscal security, or their perceived struggles. You obviously have no idea as to who I am.

Let me set the record straight - I am acutely successful not because of my "structured, inna box existence" and "go go go mentality". It is because of my flexibility, adaptability, wit, humor, sarcasm, and overall kick ass, albeit modest personality. I could buy your farm, in cash. I may not have the ass of a 20 year old, but I could absolutely kick yours in a number of ways. In all honesty, I'd like to give you the ol' proverbial interwebz punch to the throat, but I digress.

Fun and energizing? This is your main problem. You seem to have no concept as to what it takes to successfully exist in life. It isn't all fun and games, especially when you're in no position to support such a laid back existence - and you're in the position you are in because of your inability to actually strategize and work towards a cumulative goal regardless of what it is. What you're going to be good with is some half-baked hippie chick (which is entirely ok) with no kids who lives out of a VW van, who doesn't mind that you take no pride in your appearance, your belongings, or your living quarters. Strong, intelligent, independent, naughty, well rounded women do not seek men who don't have their #### together. Granted, I stumbled upon you, but you provide relatively little, long-term, to the "type" of woman you seem to say you are indeterminately attracted to.

For all that I have expounded upon, what got my knickers in a bunch is for you to have the audacity to comment upon my child. Good, bad, or indifferent. How stupid do I think you are? Beyond measure. As a single, veteran widowed parent, regardless of the age of the child, you can't possibly fathom (obviously by your lack of applicability) what my small family has endured to overcome, yet THRIVE. Day to day consists of responsibility. Something you would be well served to attain. My child is incredibly well grounded, chock full of common sense, and quick witted BECAUSE of my parenting style - what other 8 year old can say #### at the dinner table we call Switzerland (anything goes in order to maintain open communications), but she has responsibilities, expected behaviors, and understands action and consequence. You were juvenile to assume you could waltz into this scenario and have a party.

Lastly, your lack of commitment and follow through to pretty much anything is what is easy for you. So is your lack of honesty in this forum regarding what actually transpires in your dating adventures. You are inherently a "good guy" [sic], but your whimsical fantasy of having your cake and eating it too, will be your undoing.

And in all reality for those of you sitting there with your mouth agape - I'm not the flaming bitch I may come across as here. I'm only well written. And if you're a single, financially stable, hung like a horse (and it works), has a job, maybe a couple of investments, one woman type of well humored good teeth strong hands type of man that understands enabling a strong woman to run free, feel free to PM me.



New Member
I give ya'll one guess as to who this is... For the love of all things sane, are you serious? I totally forgot about this site until a friend I told about the classifieds informed me he was on the other day reading through some things, and came back across this thread. He had mentioned that LG had provided a rather narcissistic dissertation about dates and that "I" had been mentioned via a "checklist" of traits and characteristics - but since I'm busy - never read. Until now. First of all, you didn't walk away from any relationship. There was no relationship. But, to be clear, I stopped responding to texts and didn't take your call. We didn't talk about conflict or deal breakers, we just stopped. And yes, I am thankful you didn't push when I didn't respond. Where do I even begin - I read this thread from start to end and I am appalled. Most people google others newly met and I only wished I had. Let me give you some advice Larry, should the next conquest do so and peruse this site, you'll not get far. It's not so fun being on the other side of the screen and ones perceptions, is it? Secondly, you're a grown man, albeit immature and childish in your approach to actually having an adult relationship. I get reminiscing, seeking opinion and insight when it comes to dating (because gawd knows it sucks) from friends, but it should stop there in a public forum when you use your real name. It's incredibly disrespectful to extol upon other's private life and beyond diminutive to profess knowledge of their personal or professional background, fiscal security, or their perceived struggles. You obviously have no idea as to who I am. Let me set the record straight - I am acutely successful not because of my "structured, inna box existence" and "go go go mentality". It is because of my flexibility, adaptability, wit, humor, sarcasm, and overall kick ass, albeit modest personality. I could buy your farm, in cash. I may not have the ass of a 20 year old, but I could absolutely kick yours in a number of ways. In all honesty, I'd like to give you the ol' proverbial interwebz punch to the throat, but I digress. Fun and energizing? This is your main problem. You seem to have no concept as to what it takes to successfully exist in life. It isn't all fun and games, especially when you're in no position to support such a laid back existence - and you're in the position you are in because of your inability to actually strategize and work towards a cumulative goal regardless of what it is. What you're going to be good with is some half-baked hippie chick (which is entirely ok) with no kids who lives out of a VW van, who doesn't mind that you take no pride in your appearance, your belongings, or your living quarters. Strong, intelligent, independent, naughty, well rounded women do not seek men who don't have their #### together. Granted, I stumbled upon you, but you provide relatively little, long-term, to the "type" of woman you seem to say you are indeterminately attracted to. For all that I have expounded upon, what got my knickers in a bunch is for you to have the audacity to comment upon my child. Good, bad, or indifferent. How stupid do I think you are? Beyond measure. As a single, veteran widowed parent, regardless of the age of the child, you can't possibly fathom (obviously by your lack of applicability) what my small family has endured to overcome, yet THRIVE. Day to day consists of responsibility. Something you would be well served to attain. My child is incredibly well grounded, chock full of common sense, and quick witted BECAUSE of my parenting style - what other 8 year old can say #### at the dinner table we call Switzerland (anything goes in order to maintain open communications), but she has responsibilities, expected behaviors, and understands action and consequence. You were juvenile to assume you could waltz into this scenario and have a party. Lastly, your lack of commitment and follow through to pretty much anything is what is easy for you. So is your lack of honesty in this forum regarding what actually transpires in your dating adventures. You are inherently a "good guy" [sic], but your whimsical fantasy of having your cake and eating it too, will be your undoing. And in all reality for those of you sitting there with your mouth agape - I'm not the flaming bitch I may come across as here. I'm only well written. And if you're a single, financially stable, hung like a horse (and it works), has a job, maybe a couple of investments, one woman type of well humored good teeth strong hands type of man that understands enabling a strong woman to run free, feel free to PM me. "B"

Just :lmao: