The View Hot Takes


Well-Known Member
When she read it, it sure sounded to me like she wanted to leave.
Now I am disappointed. I had hopes.
But , as she explains it she tells us that once again---like always--she was just running off at the mouth.
She knows where her bread is buttered. AND she realizes that no one really wants her to stay.


PREMO Member

UNHINGED Hollywood Actor GOES On Profanity Laced TIRADE Live On The View Over Trump Winning!​

George Confirms the Deep State ..... these are the Gov Employees that lied to Trump and obfuscated because ' THEY ' KNOW BETTER than the elected leaders

People like Vindman .... 4th rate hearsay used to file a whistle blower report, all mad an pissy because he thinks he is SMARTER then his Boss
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PREMO Member
Listen, we have zero expectations of 'The View'. There is no low they won't attempt to reach, particularly when it applies to a conservative politician or really any conservative figure. Even with that caveat, today was really bad. Today, it wasn't Whoopi or Joy, surprisingly. It was Sara Haines.

Sara wants to 'cherry pick' the parts of Christianity that feel good and speak to love. There are many part of Christianity that address just those things. On the other hand, there are parts of Christianity that demand obedience. The Bible is clear the role of the husband is to provide and protect. It also instructs women to care for and bring up their children as their main pursuit. Sara wants a feel good religion, but the teachings of Jesus also include dying to self.



PREMO Member

The View BEGS Charlamagne To VOTE For Joe Biden After CONFRONTING Him For REFUSING To ENDORSE!​
