Woke, Inc: Why I’m blowing whistle on how corporate America is poisoning society


PREMO Member
🔥 Nigel Farage wasn’t the only Brit getting de-banked this week. The UK Times ran a story yesterday headlined, “Yorkshire Building Society ‘Closed Vicar’s Account After Trans Protest’.”



PREMO Member
Stop making ‘woke’ more complicated than it is

In other words, wokeness is political correctness on steroids.

As evil has and will always exist in our fallen world, wokeness is nothing new. The fearmongering, virtue-signaling, canceling, censoring, and bullying employed by the woke have always been tenets of left-wing radicalism, and wokeness by any other name is and has been bad. Progressives pushing the woke agenda rely on people being confused and distracted, and they are quite skilled at inventing smokescreens behind which they carry out their destructive plots. After all, “love is love” seems innocent enough, right? Of course black lives matter! “Clean energy” is a noble pursuit, isn’t it? Other races and classes of people have been mistreated historically, so giving them a little extra boost now in the name of “inclusion” won’t hurt, will it?

The truth is, though, these woke concepts amount to mere slogans that disguise a much more sinister agenda, and many people, having not paused to consider the consequences of wokeness, are understandably taken in by the movement's powerful rhetoric and embrace it for fear of being labeled “racist,” “homophobic,” “privileged,” or fill-in-the-blank-ists or -phobes.

Wokeness reminds me of a billboard advertising a “FREE KING-SIZED MATTRESS!!!” Millions of people drive by the sign every day and take it at face value. When they show up at the furniture store, however, they are gutted to learn that “terms and conditions apply.” There’s fine print, and oh — the offer is subject to change. If wokeness were an ad on the radio, an incomprehensible voice talking faster than an auctioneer would have to disclaim that side effects of wokeness include alienation, loneliness, anxiety, depression, obesity, shortened life span, and terminal misery.

The woke mob is counting on few people taking the time to read the fine print and decipher what exactly woke — or DEI or ESG, etc. — means. Spoiler alert: It’s more than cheery rainbow flags and feel-good affirmative action diversity. Wokeness, plain and simple, is radical liberalism intent on evil.


PREMO Member

Woke Hiring Isn’t Just Killing American Competence, It Might Kill You

Perhaps worst of all, the Department of Land and Natural Resources “delayed the release of water that landowners wanted to help protect their property from fires” until it was “too late,” according to the Honolulu Civil Beat. Four people “with knowledge of the situation” told the local outlet that M. Kaleo Manuel, the agency’s deputy director for water resource management, “balked” at a Maui property management company’s desperate request for water. The delay reported lasted more than five hours.

According to the New York Post, Manuel had previously discussed the need for water distribution to be based on “true conversations about equity.” Formerly affiliated with the Obama Foundation, Manuel insisted last year that Hawaiians must “coexist” with resources like water.

Is that the kind of guy you want in charge of decisions that might save or cost your life?

This kind of apparent incompetence infects nearly every sphere woke activists can get their PowerPoint-clicking fingers on. Whether by hiring people who score high on DEI rubrics instead of job qualifications, or just by flat-out hiring people who want to tear down the systems they’re supposed to be running, the folks in charge are playing with, well, fire.

For the sake of inclusivity, the Federal Aviation Administration, which is currently advertising air traffic controller positions, notes on its website that it uses “Direct Hiring Authorities” to “expedite” hiring of “People with Severe Disabilities” such as “complete paralysis, severe intellectual disability and psychiatric disability.” Doesn’t that make you feel confident in the people you entrust with your life every time you fly?

As Peachy Keenan noted in these pages last month, airlines like United and American are openly hiring people based on characteristics like race and sex, which, last I checked, have nothing to do with knowing how to fly a plane. In a twist of fate that definitely no one could have foreseen, “the last 12 months have delivered the highest number of near-collisions and narrowly averted disasters in modern aviation history.”


PREMO Member

Time for Wokesters to Stick a Sock in It

By Clarice Feldman

Alternate media never gets the credit it deserves. Elon Musk has taken over Twitter (now “X”) and allowed free speech. In the process wokesters -- particularly in the intellectual and moral cesspool absurdly continued to be called “higher education” -- and media have exposed themselves as ignorant embracers of bestiality. Hamas’s snuff films posted there establish what they are. The compromised and partisan reporters on the ground never did this, and sentient readers have every reason to view mainstream media as pap for imbeciles.


In another brilliant essay, Victor Davis Hanson plows the same ground.

One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality.
More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers -- to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay.

Americans knew higher education practiced racist admission policies. It has long promoted racially segregated dorms and graduations. And de facto it has destroyed the First Amendment.
But the overt support for Hamas killers by the diversity, equity, and inclusion crowd on a lot of campuses exposes to Americans the real moral and intellectual rot in higher education.

Harvard was not alone. The same scene played out across the country. At Stanford one instructor ordered Jewish and Israeli students to stand in a corner as he verbally assaulted them, belittling the genocide of millions in the Holocaust. At the University of Minnesota and elsewhere, Jewish students listened to fellow students call for murders of Jewish people. These were places which condemned “microaggressions” -- things like misgendering people, using words like “picnic” and such. Kids with “Coexist” posters all over their laptops and dorm rooms who yell “give peace a chance,” are supporting those who just slaughtered, raped, and kidnapped hundreds of kids in Israel at a festival for peace. Kids like Danielle Waldman, daughter of Eyal Waldman, a high-tech magnate from Israel, who had created research and development centers in Gaza which employed hundreds of Palestinians who otherwise would have had no such opportunities in the pigpen Hamas has made of Gaza. You know these dopey students are ignorant of honor killings, the gross mistreatment of women and gays in Palestine. One day they march for gays, the next day for those who throw them blindfolded and bound off buildings. But it was copasetic for college administrators to tolerate calls for murder of innocents, including from their own students.

No one more succinctly punctures hypocrisy like this than does David Burge, who tweeted:

Wacky college fads thru the years:
1930s: swallowing goldfish
1950s: panty raids and stuffing phone booths
1970s: streaking
2020s: Nuremberg-style pro-Holocaust pep ralliesg


PREMO Member
After cost of transatlantic cruise accomodations, land transport, training, housing, food, clothing and medical... The net reparation is $0.00.

Thank you and watch your step as you leave.


Well-Known Member
She could be living in Africa, instead she is living in the land of opportunity and bitching about it.

Her ancestors paid her ticket, she should thank them and STFU.


PREMO Member

WOKE Parents FREAK OUT Crying RACISM Over 'Stop White Hate' Sign Placed Outside of High School!​



PREMO Member

TRIGGERED WOKE Liberals CRY BIGOTRY Over Daily Wire Trolling Them IN Comedy Movie 'Lady Ballers'​
